The sand county a light repast wonton adds deadly poison borax the child absorb 5 grams can to death

06/07/2012 15:10

Food dispatch

some sand counties of Fuzhou snack shop for making flat meat(call wonton again) taste better, unexpectedly go toward in add the poisonous thing borax that the nation prohibits.The reporter random bought some flat meat at three sand county snack shops in street in Fuzhou and entrusted examination in Fukien province center examines, discover that three flat meat of sand county a light repasts all imply little borax as a result.According to understand, the human body after absorbing the borax of one fixed amount will appear to vomit, diarrhea, erythema, circulatory system obstacle and shock and obfuscation etc..The borax has already caused death quantity, adult about 20 grams of, the children are about 5 grams.The reporter is dark to visit and discover, in addition to chemical engineering store, many food additives stores in Fuzhou are also selling borax.For increase flat meat of taste to add borax"use a ladle the flat meat is from the soup in get of time, discover the farcing drum drum of, eat to have much of flexibility."A student of agriculture and forestry university in Fukien to this report reflection, he when a snack shop in doorway in the school eat flat meat,mens sunglasses feel that the flat meat contains difference with experience, the after the event begs a certificate to the storekeeper, the storekeeper incredibly generous acknowledgement joined borax.A snack shop owner tells the reporter, if the flat meat, and fish ball...etc. added borax etc. to go together with to anticipate, after cooking, the meat stuffing will inflate, and chew a felling very frailty, there is flexibility, the taste is very good, and the color is also fresher bright.On June 17, the reporter random learns an unknown sand county of soldier road in the drum building area sand county a light repast total hospital store, the set river's area the snack shop, Cang mountain area reply the park road Rong Yong sand county the snack shop bought some flat meat and entrusted examination in Fukien province center examine.The test report that completed yesterday suggested that three flat meat of sand county a light repasts all implied little borax.Sand county a light repast Luo's general secretary Xing of the association accepted a reporter yesterday interview mean, traditional sand county flat meat creation need not added borax, but the flat meat ate to also have a fragile felling.Because the traditional craft is to use a piece of meat wooden staff without intermission knock, until knock into the whole piece of meat lousy.At the same time in the process of knocking, also just the right amount join some alkalis, the alkali implies with meat of sour will take place to respond, produce carbon dioxide, let the meat inflate, so the meat eats and then compares frailty, there is flexibility.However he also confesses, some snack shop diagrams simplify matters and stir the meat lousy with the machine, for the sake of increment taste, add borax.Food additives store covers up to sell borax yesterday, the reporter went and saw the nearby chemical engineering market, the Ao Feng road condiment of the set area guy medicine continent food additives market in river, the set river's road wholesale market and discovered that the borax everywhere has been already sold, and every 500 grams of prices 3-5 dollars didn't wait.The reporter goes and sees several food additives stores and discovers, these stores aren't generally direct to put borax on the shelf to sell, but someone asks of time, would tell whether have been already sold, then again from the store in take out to sell.Add quantity to the borax, storekeeper means the standard that didn't unify, it is according to the personal habit, favour to at will add generally.But set river the chemical engineering market in the road neighborhood, the borax then publicly sells.Store tells a reporter, the borax was originally chemical raw material.The reporter asks stores to add a food, store means, it is a chemical engineering product to press the truth borax, can not add a food, but a lot of snack shops all add the borax to the food like the flat meat, fish ball now in, increase a taste.Eat 5 grams of borax kids to namely be poisoned to cause death the direct introduce the related representative director according to hygiene in Fuzhou City, in 《food in probably illegally add not to eat material and easily misuse of food additives species list(the first) 》 , the boric acid and borax row is among them.The main food category that may add is Fu bamboo, meatball, cold mung bean curd, cool skin, noodles, and dumpling skin...etc., the probably main function increases Jin.Introduce according to relevant personnel in the quality Jian bureau in province, the borax has to increase food tenacity, frailty degree and improvement food to protect water and conservancy degree etc. function, so adding the meat product of borax is fluffy but have flexibility, the meatball, fish ball and water delivers product etc.s to see more use.The borax will store in the body after taking in a row, hinder to digest enzyme function and arouse loss of appetite, indigestion and repress nourishment vegetable absorption.Poisoned symptom for vomit, diarrhea, erythema, circulatory system obstacle and shock and obfuscation etc..The borax has already caused death quantity, adult about 20 grams of, the children are about 5 grams.The international community has already forbidden an use currently.Citizen how recognize a sand county a light repast in whether mix to have borax?Health direct said and added the meat stuffing of borax the related representative director, seem to be compare common of have to be a little bit fuller, the external appearance color is also fresher bright.But then be recognized with difficulty very much to common citizen do not.Bureau public health hygiene in Fuzhou City inspected a related representative director of the section looked in to say, 《food method 》 just carried out according to last month, used a non- food raw material production food or added food additives in the food outside of chemistry material and other possibility harm the material of human body health, from relevant supervisor section according to respectively job division of labour, confiscate illegal income, illegal production the food of management and used for illegal production the products,cheap sun glasses such as tool, equipments and raw material...etc. of management;Break the law production management of food goods value amount of money not enough 10,000 dollars of, and place below above 2000 dollars 50,000 dollars fine money;The goods are worth amount of money above 10,000 dollars of, and place goods value amount of money 500% above 1000% following penal sum;Details are serious, revoke a permit.However he is candid in saying, new of the food method just carried out, I province ordinance didn't°yet set, related working talent section the current division of labour isn't yet clear in meaning.

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